In association with The Arts Coucil and Art Space Dudley, EMF is pleased to support the Brierleyhillness Photography Competion 2011, by providing doubled Barco R12 projectors for large format outdoor video projection. Showcasing the entries by the residents and winners showing what the local area meant to them through photography and to publicise the competition and sponsors of the event.
Tag Archives: world heritage site projections
Building Projection Campaign
Building Projection Campaign
Two consecutive nights of EMF’s mobile projection to endorse the “March Against The Cuts” Demonstration and the “Stop The Tax Dodgers” message for the PCS Union Rally in Hyde Park.
Building Projections for Channel 4 Selling Off Britain
Building Projections for Channel 4 Selling Off Britain
Supporting the Channel 4 Dispartches programme Selling Off Britain EMF used Large Scale 7000 watt Projectors to illuminate landmarks around London with gigantic For Sale signs!
Massive outdoor Projection onto St Paul’s Cathedral
Massive outdoor Projection onto St Paul’s Cathedral
St Paul’s turns (RED) to mark World Aids Day
01 December 2010
St Paul’s joins more than 80 landmarks across 13 countries to promote awareness of the ongoing fight against the AIDS pandemic, by turning the dome red to mark World AIDS Day on 1st December.
The campaign is to highlight the attainable goal of ending mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015, creating the first generation in 30 years of babies born HIV-free.
Individuals can show their support and help turn the world (RED) by sending images and words of support via the social networks; Facebook, FourSquare, Meet-ups and Twitter. (RED) will aggregate this information on a global map, displaying all posts alongside the landmarks, with the hope of turning the map of the world (RED), to represent the world’s support of the 2015 goal. Fittingly, the innovative technology behind the map visualisation, called ‘Ushahidi’, stems from an open source project born in Africa for use in crisis response.
01 December 2010
To help turn the world (RED) in honour of World AIDS Day, visit
via St Paul’s turns (RED) to mark World Aids Day – St Paul’s Cathedral, London, UK.
Building Projection London
Building Projection London
Building Projection London Poppy Day Projection 4th November
EMF is pleased to support London Poppy Day with large scale projection onto The Guards Chapel Wellington Barracks – The Royal British Legion is hoping to raise £150,000 for this year’s Poppy Appeal on London Poppy Day, Thursday the 4th of November.
Outdoor Building Projection Campaign
Outdoor Building Projection
Aviva – the big Picture Projection Campaign
Across the world Aviva dreamed of projecting images of ordinary people for their Big Picture Projection Campaign – EMF helped to transform the idea into reality by supplying the massive outdoor building projections in London and Warsaw with high end video projection equipment – successfully delivering the Big Picture for AVIVA!
EMF Work It Out For Puzzler Magazine with a massive Outdoor Projection Campaign London
Building Projection – Party Palace Fit For A Queen!
Building Projection
Building Projection – Party Palace Fit For A Queen!
Designed by Jean Paul Gaultier, a stately surprise waited for celebrity guests arriving at the Elton John Aids Foundation Winter Ball! Using the power of multiple 7kw Xenon projectors EMF transformed a tatty warehouse in Vauxhall into a 100m long luxury palace with massive outdoor building projections.
Building Projections Manchester
Building Projections Manchester
Building Projections Manchester – Back The Bid 2018 World Cup Projections!
EMF Back The 2018 World Cup Bid with large format outdoor building projections onto Manchester Town Hall.
World Heritage Site Projections
World Heritage Site Projections
World Heritage Site Projections – Ironbridge Gorge Festival Celebrations 2010!
EMF Light Up Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site for their annual celebration, with large outdoor building projections and stunning lighting effects across the town from the famous bridge to the Museum celebrating the birthplace of Industry and all World Heritage sites.