Massive outdoor Projection onto St Paul’s Cathedral

Outdoor Projection onto St Paul’s Cathedral
St Paul’s turns (RED) to mark World Aids Day
01 December 2010
St Paul’s joins more than 80 landmarks across 13 countries to promote awareness of the ongoing fight against the AIDS pandemic, by turning the dome red to mark World AIDS Day on 1st December.
The campaign is to highlight the attainable goal of ending mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015, creating the first generation in 30 years of babies born HIV-free.
Individuals can show their support and help turn the world (RED) by sending images and words of support via the social networks; Facebook, FourSquare, Meet-ups and Twitter. (RED) will aggregate this information on a global map, displaying all posts alongside the landmarks, with the hope of turning the map of the world (RED), to represent the world’s support of the 2015 goal. Fittingly, the innovative technology behind the map visualisation, called ‘Ushahidi’, stems from an open source project born in Africa for use in crisis response.
01 December 2010
To help turn the world (RED) in honour of World AIDS Day, visit
via St Paul’s turns (RED) to mark World Aids Day – St Paul’s Cathedral, London, UK.

Massive outdoor projection turns St Paul’s red for World Aids Day

Massive outdoor projection turns St Paul’s red for World Aids Day