Coutts Bank celebrated the Jubilee with an exclusive event for the lighting of the Jubilee flame beacon

John Bell & Croyden, pharmacists to Her the Majesty The Queen for more than fifty years, launched a new Health & Wellbeing Emporium in Wigmore Street, London with large event including the frontage of the store lined with 7 FT Gas Flambes along the red carpet and welcoming Beefeaters at the entrance!
Hilton’s DoubleTree Launch at Columbia Wharf was celebrated with massive 5 fingered jet Flame Systems, projections, lighting and plenty of champagne!
Two 5 fingered flame systems were located on the roof of the venue and several moving projections scanned across the front of the building. Several of our 7ft Flambeaux units were located around the party area.
A specialist flame effect build was designed and manufactured for the Obstacle ‘Fire in your Hole!’ for this years Tough Mudder event in the South East.
Participants have to go down a steep slide through the fire and into a mud pit – yuck!
Go on have a go…
Flambe Torches Stamford Bridge, Chelsea
Delta Airlines Christmas Party with welcoming Flambe Torches at Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge to keep the arriving guests warm!
EMF Flambe Torches are black with boxed cases which store the gas and come in two sizes: Standard 7ft Flambeaux Torch or Large Olympic Flambe Torches.
Need some for your next event? call 0118 988 7647 or email: info@emftechnology.co.uk
Leicester Square was packed with fans eagerly awaiting the London Premiere of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and to warm the stars Large Olympic Boxed Flambes ran along the red carpet.
EMF Flame effects for events, parties, premieres, Marque events, Nightclubs, Weddings, Driveway Illumination and bespoke flames made to order for events or private installations fitted with safety flame failure.
Depending on your event there is a flame system that will suit – from 7ft Gas Flambeaux Torches for entrances and driveway Illumination to DMX stage flame effects from our Firestorm inventory to massive Vulcan flame effects. For more bespoke flame effects we have DMX flame bar systems for installations into Theatre productions, premieres or your own design.
EMF were commissioned to manufacture a bespoke flame effect system for installation into an overseas Bronze Sculpture.
The Dark Knight Rises European Premiere
I’ll set the scene. On a damp Wednesday afternoon, a giant, demolished bat mask landed in the centre of Leicester Square. If you pair that strange occurrence with fire canons, a flaming bat symbol and hundreds of fans, it could only mean one thing. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES European premiere was about to begin – and did it go off with a bang!
Posted on Jul 19 2012 – 5:15pm by Jazmine Sky Bradley
via The Dark Knight Rises European Premiere – With Photos – The Hollywood News.
Stars Arrive For ‘John Carter’ PremiereNew action film had red carpet debut last night…
Our latest crush Taylor Kitsch hit London last night for the premiere of his new film ‘John Carter’.
The bizarre plot for the film sees Taylor playing a Civil war vet who finds himself transported to Mars. The main draw seems to be the fact that the gorgeous actor spends most of the movie’s running time topless.