Great to be working once again projecting for International Day for Persons with Disabilities.

Poppy projections St Matthews, Midgham in memory of the fallen in and hope for peace.
RBL We provide support for members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families. By making a donation, you’re helping us to help those in need within the Armed Forces community. The Royal British Legion | Armed Forces Charity
Westquay Greatest Showman projections and searchlights
A 200 foot high projection wished the Lionesses ‘Good Luck’ from Baddiel & Skinner which could no doubt even be visable from across the channel in France!
For a football match that will go down in history we hope that the team saw the message before they went on to win in extra time versus Germany in the final.
A massive congratulations to the England Lionesses on their thoroughly deserved victory, they’ve done the nation proud!
The UK’s first consumer-owned wind turbine has officially opened after securing investment from over 900 owners. Ripple Energy with the help of EMF staged a light show which projected the names of the owners on to the turbine tower.
The turbine enables customers to own their own source of low cost, stable priced green power. At a time of record breaking energy prices and as the Ukraine war leads people look for ways to become less dependent on imported energy, owning a source of stable priced, home grown green energy is a simple, ready-made solution to both.
Sarah Merrick, CEO of Ripple Energy, said: “This project demonstrates how wind farm ownership can free consumers from volatile, high energy prices and dependence on imported energy. Ripple’s 907 members will be generating their own low cost, green energy for the next 25 years. This shows better energy solutions, that give people real power, are available today.
Good Morning Britain, projections onto BBC TV Centre. The show amazingly managed to encourage viewers to dedicate over 8 million minutes for their 1 Million Minutes campaign.
Hoping to combat loneliness, by allowing volunteers to connect with bereaved people over the festive period.
BBC Cancer Week Video Mapping Projection from EMF Technology on Vimeo.
Video projections and searchlights beamed across the water to cover BBC Breakfasts facade in Manchester to help promote the ‘Shine a light on cancer’ campaign week.